Remarkable it is as much as it is a cliche fact: how moon glows with the borrowed glory. Having no glaze of its own it gaze onto earth with pride.
As I said it may sound a cliche or elementry, but what makes it so remarkable to me is the similarity I see of it with me.
All these years well aware of all the blemishes that I had, I pridefully glow with the borrowed glory. The Borrowed glory I borrowed from my family and friends and people who loved me so much that despite of all the darkness around me and in me I happen to glow and survive. I am definitely not a star, but I feel even better to be the moon of my people and all I can promise, is to glow as I did, till I can borrow my share of blessings and love.
Mana kisi kaam ka nahi Ghalib......Par muft ki khata hun toh kya bura hai.